This website is a repository of tobacco cessation training and research resources developed by members of the QTI team, that have all been pretested and utilized with participants in local communities. It also contains a useful reference library of tobacco-related articles. Resources include training modules for medical students and nurses, illness-specific ‘how to’ cessation videos, educational materials for doctors and nurses to be used in clinics, quit smoking guides for patients, and materials for promoting smoke-free homes in communities. Materials are posted in both English as well as in Bahasa Indonesian and Turkish. Some of the educational materials are in two South Indian languages, Malayalam and Kannada.
All materials are freely available on this website once you register. We ask that you register on the site to provide us with information on who is accessing these resources. Registration is also necessary to give you access to cutting edge articles that we post on tobacco-related research. These articles may be downloaded for educational purposes only.
Project QTI is a project in progress. The training resources developed are based on the state of scientific information available at the time of their creation. As we learn more, educational modules will need to be updated. QTI teaching modules are based on a Lego system described in our training publications.1-2
In short, each module is tailored to the educational level and training needs of the intended audience (e.g., medical students, entry level nurses, nurses and doctors with sub-specialty expertise). For this reason, modules for medical students in one country may differ from modules in another country or those developed for nursing students. Bear in mind the target group for which the modules were designed in each country when looking at country-specific resources. Modules in India and Indonesia were created for medical students, while those developed in Turkey were for nurses.
The Lego system has been designed to offer instructors maximum flexibility when integrating tobacco/cessation information to fit their pedagogic needs and to save them time. Medical and nursing school curriculum in many countries are not standardized and are subject to change. Educational modules and cessation training videos are meant to be used in several different ways. They may be used as stand-alone resources available for instructors, or as a resource which can be inserted into existing lectures on specific health problems. They can also be combined to create lectures on the many harms of tobacco, or as an illness-specific cessation training resources (i.e, diabetes, pediatrics). Each module has a small number of core slides for use when time is short and supplementary slide resources for possible use when time permits. Some modules contain country-specific data that can be used or changed as needed. Lego-like modules may be used individually or joined together. For example, a module on asthma might be used individually or joined with modules on lower respiratory disease or TB.
We invite feedback and encourage you to visit the QTI site periodically as we continue to post new resources. If you have suggestions or articles you wish to share, please send them to us. If you update core slides in modules or create supplementary slides for particular audiences, please send them to us with references indicating where information has been obtained. If you have joined modules together in creative ways, let us know. Also, if you have learned of innovative ways that patients have dealt with withdrawal or craving when trying to quit, send them to us. We would like to hear from you! To contact us click here.